Do you want to recieve updates about news, courses and events?

I agree with processing my personal data for the purpose of providing services and sending information about activities of Integration Centre Prague, o.p.s. IČ: 242 28 320, based in Žitná 1574/51, 110 00, Praha 1, registered in the Register of Publicly Beneficial Associations administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, section O, insert 885. I can cancel this approval anytime either by writing to, personally at the Integration Centre Prague or at its branches.

Municipal library of Prague

Have you been to the Municipal Library of Prague before? It has 46 branches throughout Prague and you’ll find a wide range of services and activities – from lending books and magazines and organizing seminars and workshops to public events and more. Whether you are looking for a quiet place to study or rest - the library is a perfect choice.
23. 9. 2024/by Míša

Standard Czech courses – Autumn 2024

Time to learn Czech! Registration for standard Czech language courses in both face-to-face and online form starts on Monday, September 16th. You can register until Sunday, September 22nd. Good luck at the lottery! :-)
16. 9. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Even foreigners in the Czech Republic can decide about the EU’S direction for next 5 years

14. 5. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Specialized Czech Language Courses – Spring 2024

Registration is now open for the new semester of specialized Czech courses.
22. 4. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Your personal data has changed? Don’t forget to inform the relevant authorities!

Did you know that as a foreigner residing in the Czech Republic you’ve got an obligation to inform the Ministry of the Interior (OAMP) about any relevant changes, and if you fail to do so within the required timeframe, you might have to pay a fine?
4. 4. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Standard Czech courses – spring 2024

Time to learn Czech! Registration for standard Czech language courses in both face-to-face and online form starts on Monday, February 26th. You can register until Sunday, March 3rd. Good luck at the lottery! :-)
22. 2. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Tax Return for 2023

Submitting our tax returns is something that terrifies even us Czechs every year:-) Most of the time however it’s not as complicated as it looks! In some cases, you don't need to file a tax return at all, and oftentimes your employer will help you do your taxes.
1. 2. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Skautský institut branch office change of address

Our Skautský Institut branch office now uses the side entrance at U Radnice 10/2, 110 00 Prague 1 - Staré město.
22. 1. 2024/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Things to know about using ICP services

As a nonprofit organization, ICP provides all of our services free of charge thanks to the funding we receive. 
7. 11. 2023/by Barbora Hannsmannová

How can you help us in return?

Our goal is to help people from different countries to make their life in Prague easier and thus support successful integration. If you have used our free services
3. 10. 2023/by Barbora Hannsmannová

Specialized Czech language courses – spring 2023

Otevíráme registraci na nový semestr specializovaných kurzů češtiny. Na konverzační kurzy a přípravné kurzy pro zkoušku k trvalému pobytu se můžete hlásit od  pondělí 3. do neděle 9. dubna. Přejeme vám hodně štěstí při losování :-)
2. 4. 2023/by Míša

Job search through the Labor Office

Would you like to search for a job in the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Labor Office? In this article, we will tell you what you are eligible for, how you should proceed and what you should watch out for.
26. 3. 2023/by Míša

Standard Czech courses – Spring 2023

Registration for standard Czech language courses in both face-to-face and online form starts on Monday, February 6. You can register until Sunday, February 12.
3. 2. 2023/by Míša

Rising Energy Prices

Rising energy prices are one of the most discussed topics right now, concerning companies as well as households. We decided to use this article to shed some light on the problem of energy prices, and give some recommendations on energy saving.
5. 12. 2022/by Míša

Schedule of Adaptation And Integretion courses – December 2022

Do you know that you have 1 year from getting your biometric card to complete the adaptation-integration course? Therefore, do not postpone the course for later and get important information about your stay in the Czech Republic as a winter or Christmas gift!
29. 11. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Adaptation and Integration courses in November 2022

In November, you can apply for courses in English, Russian, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. Attention, some foreigners are required by law to complete the course. Not sure if this obligation applies to you? We will advise you how to do it!
25. 10. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Adaptation and Integration courses in October 2022

Find out if you are required to take the Adaptation-Integration Course and sign up! In just 4 hours of the course, you will learn the most important information about life in the Czech Republic and get to know what your obligations and rights are here.
29. 9. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Specialized Czech courses – autumn 2022

On October 3rd, we open registration for specialized Czech language courses. Are you planning to apply for permanent residence or want to improve your conversation skills? Then you should definitely take this opportunity! :)
23. 9. 2022/by Míša
Interkulturní ples vol. 3

Intercultural ball vol. 3

After the two and a half years, we are happy to invite you to our third Intercultural Ball. Come dance, meet new friends and enjoy the evening in the beautiful premises of the Nuselská town hall. Let's show that Prague is as friendly place as the dance floor! 😊 
7. 9. 2022/by Míša

Adaptation and integration courses in September 2022

Adaptation and integration courses are intended for some newly arrived foreigners and their completion is mandatory by law. Are you new to the Czech Republic? Sign up for the Adaptation and Integration Course, where you will learn important information about life in Czech society.
29. 8. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Czech language courses – Autumn semester 2022

We are opening registration for the autumn semester of standard Czech language courses. Do not hesitate to use our wide range of free courses!
4. 8. 2022/by Míša

ICP at Scout Institute

With the growing interest in our consulting services, we have decided to expand our offices as well. Our new workplace thus became the Scout Institute, where we have offices within the Svitlo center.
22. 7. 2022/by Míša

Rental Accommodation in the Czech Republic 

Looking for accommodation could be a complicated process, there are certain rules to follow and certain things to pay attention to. Let’s have a look at some practical advice on renting, it’ll  help you get oriented in this problem and avoid unnecessary trouble. 
20. 7. 2022/by Míša

Maternity and Parenthood Support

There are two types of social security benefits in the Czech Republic related to maternity and parenthood: maternity benefit or maternity leave, and the parental allowance. In this article we will explain what the difference between these is and under what conditions can you claim these. 
4. 7. 2022/by Míša

Adaptation and integration courses in June 2022

Sunny weather attracts walks, trips and other summer activities, but do not forget the deadline for completing the Adaptation and Integration Course. The deadline is 1 year!
24. 5. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Open Stage: 10 years with ICP

It’s ICP’s 10th birthday! Come and celebrate it with us at a relaxing event full of music and an interesting accompanying program, and let's remind ourselves again that Prague is a city for everyone!
10. 5. 2022/by Míša

Opening hours in May 2022

In this article you will find an overview of the opening hours of our three branches during May 2022.
4. 5. 2022/by Míša

Czech citizenship – How to achieve the highest level of integration?

Acquiring Czech citizenship represents the highest level of integration into Czech society. The path to citizenship involves obligations, but it brings with it many benefits. If you're interested in sooner or later obtaining Czech citizenship, then this article is just for you.
2. 5. 2022/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration courses in May 2022

Adaptation and integration courses are there to help newly arrived foreigners to orient themselves, to obtain important information, where to seek help in various life situations, but also to explain what their rights and obligations are. That is why courses are compulsory for some foreigners.
26. 4. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Opening hours in April 2022

In this article you will find an overview of the opening hours of our three branches during April 2022.
6. 4. 2022/by Míša

Obtaining a Czech driving license

We’re often asked for guidelines on how to apply for a Czech driving license, but the thing is we can’t give you specific rules for every single situation. What we can give you though, are a few tips from our experience. 
31. 3. 2022/by Míša

Adaptation and integration courses in April 2022

In April, we prepared Adaptation and integration courses for you in English, Russian, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. Don´t hesitate to register!
29. 3. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Counselling: How can we help refugees from Ukraine?

We realize that people coming from war-torn Ukraine need comprehensive help. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide assistance at all levels. Below you will find an overview of matters that we can help you with at our counselling and which we cannot.
15. 3. 2022/by Míša

Specialized Czech courses – Spring 2022

Although our most burning issue these days is the situation related to the war in Ukraine, our services to help you integrate continue. From March 7 to 13, you can register for specialized Czech courses.
5. 3. 2022/by Míša

Assistance center for refugees from Ukraine

The City of Prague runs the Assistance Center of the help to Ukraine. In addition to the representatives of the police, the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, the City of Prague and others, interpreters are also available to refugees at the center.
1. 3. 2022/by Míša

We are ready to help

We stand for all Ukrainians and citizens of other countries who have been affected by the war in Ukraine. We are ready to help through legal and social consulting, interpretation and the services of our information center.
1. 3. 2022/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration courses in March 2022

Spring is almost here. So do spring cleaning in your duties - for example, have you already completed the mandatory Adaptation and Integration course? See the schedule for March and register.
18. 2. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

Schedule of Adaptation and Integration Courses for February 2022

What will you learn during the course? You will get acquainted with topics that you can commonly encounter in everyday life - housing, residence legislation, health care, employment, etc. The aim of the courses is to make it easier for you to start life in a new country. Take a look at our February schedule and register!
27. 1. 2022/by Dagmar Diroian

City districts and the integration of foreigners

The Ministry of Interior has again published informative numbers of foreigners living in various city districts this year. Read our article to find out which districts do foreigners most commonly live in and an overview of the activities that the selected districts implement to support integration.
18. 1. 2022/by Míša

Czech language courses – spring semester 2022

The new semester of Czech language courses is here! Do you also want to improve your Czech in the new year? In this article you will find all the necessary information about the courses offered, the rules of participation and the registration process.
12. 1. 2022/by Míša

Operation hours in January and February 2022

In this article you will find an overview of the opening hours of our three branches during January and Februrary 2022.
5. 1. 2022/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration courses schedule for January

In January, we have prepared courses for you in all 9 official languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Mongolian, French, Spanish and Serbian. Don´t miss this opportunity and register now!
27. 12. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Prague City Gallery Education center

Do you love art? Then the various art activities and techniques that you can try and seminars on interesting topics you can attend at the Prague City Gallery Education center will surely strike your fancy. 
13. 12. 2021/by Míša

Prague Children and Youth Centers (DDM)

DDMs are centers of fun and education, where people of all ages can explore their interests and develop their talents, and thus meaningfully spend their free time. Let's have a closer look!
13. 12. 2021/by Míša

Advent and baking

Try baking Czech Christmas cookies this year. We have prepared a brief guide for you.
2. 12. 2021/by Míša

Operation of ICP branches in December 2021

You can currently use our services mostly online and two days a week also in person at our central branch in Prague 1. In this article you will find an overview of our opening hours during December.
30. 11. 2021/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration Courses in December 2021

Although the pre-Christmas mood, carols, baking cookies and gift-seeking are already in full swing, you may be required to take an adaptation-integration course. Come for 4 hours to relax from the hustle and bustle of Christmas and give yourself a practical gift: get important information about life in the Czech Republic.
29. 11. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Pension in the Czech Republic

Whether retirement is at your doorstep or still in the distant future, you should know how does it work in the Czech Republic and whether you, as a foreigner, are eligible to receive pension benefits.
19. 11. 2021/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration Course schedule for November

Don't postpone completing the Adaptation And Integration Course until later and register now! You only have 1 year to take the course from the moment you collected your biometric card.
29. 10. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Operation of ICP branches in October and November

In this article you will find an overview of the opening hours of our three branches during October and November 2021.
30. 9. 2021/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration Courses in October 2021

Are you obliged to complete the Adaptation and Integration Course? See the course schedule for October and register! Our AIC team is here for you if you need advice or assistance, for example with registration. We look forward to you!
27. 9. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Adaptation and integration courses: Do I have to, or don’t have to, that is the question

Not sure if you should complete the Adaptation and Integration course? We have prepared a summary for you, which will help you orientate yourself.
14. 9. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Schedule of Adaptation and integration courses for September 2021

Also in September, you can take an Adaptation and integration course, which will make it easier for you to find your way in the new country. We have prepared courses in English, Russian, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. Don´t wait and register now!
30. 8. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Operation of ICP branches in September

In this article you will find an overview of the opening hours of our three branches during September 2021.
25. 8. 2021/by Míša

Specialized Czech courses – Autumn 2021

If you want to improve in spoken communication or you are going to apply for permanent residence, the courses offered are exactly what you need.
23. 8. 2021/by Míša

Adaptation and integration courses in August 2021

For August, we have prepared the Adaptation and integration courses for you in all 9 languages! Take a look at our August course schedule and register!
30. 7. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners from August 2 2021

In this article we will give you basic information on the changes related to the Amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners.
23. 7. 2021/by Míša

Czech language courses – autumn semester 2021

Chcete se zlepšit v češtině? Zkuste štěstí a přihlaste se na podzimní semestr kurzů českého jazyka v ICP.
8. 7. 2021/by Míša

Operation of ICP branches in July and August

You can currently use our services both online and in person at our branches. In this article you will find an overview of the opening hours of our three branches during July and August 2021.
8. 7. 2021/by Míša

Adaptation and Integration Courses: registration has started!

Do you know that since 2021 there is a new obligation for you as a foreigner to complete the Adaptation and Integration Course? If this obligation applies to you, we have good news for you - the courses start on June 21 and you can register now! :-)
8. 6. 2021/by Dagmar Diroian

Increasing the Czech language level required for obtaining permanent residency

The government has passed an amendment to the law regarding the Czech language level required for obtaining permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic. In this article, we're going to describe the amendment in more detail and advise you on what to watch out for when applying for permanent residence.
3. 6. 2021/by Míša

Eco-friendly living in Prague

In this article you can find the recording of our online workshop called Eco-friendly living in Prague together with all the links connected to this topic that might interest you.
2. 6. 2021/by Míša

Pregnancy and Birth in the Czech Republic

If the Czech Republic has become your new home and you'd like to give birth and raise a child here, then you should get to know the important information that we've prepared for you in this article.
26. 5. 2021/by Míša

Become part of our mini campaign

As we would like to spread awareness of our services to other people who could use them, we thought of using the experience of those who already know us - you :-). Are you one of the clients who were satisfied with our services? Be part of the mini campaign too!
22. 4. 2021/by Míša

The Census is also for foreigners

Participate in Census online from 27 March to 9 April 2021.
24. 3. 2021/by Míša

Adaptation and integration courses

We are organizing adaptation and integration courses for you. The aim of these courses is to help you to quickly orient yourself in Czech society, obtain basic information and gain knowledge of your rights and obligations.
11. 2. 2021/by Míša

Important links

In this article, we've prepared a list of important links that may prove useful in your day-to-day life in the Czech Republic. The topics and links are directly related to educational online seminars, which we hold regularly.
31. 1. 2021/by Míša

How to use Zoom?

In this article, we'll help you understand how to use it during online seminars, Czech language courses, language clubs, and other similar online meetings.
29. 1. 2021/by Míša

Mobile application Praguer

We have launched an updated version of the PRAGUER app, which has been helping you to access important information and contacts and to orient yourself better in the Czech environment for three years now.
26. 1. 2021/by Míša

Give a good deed for Christmas

Christmas is a period of peace and love surrounded by family or good friends. How about skipping bulk shopping this year and rather prefer to give something that makes sense and can help someone who needs it?
17. 12. 2020/by Míša

Bring meaning to your free time

Would you like to experience something new, other than constant studies, work, and Netflix? Do you wish to devote your time to meaningful activities? Then what you're looking for just might be volunteering. And was there ever a better time to start volunteering than now, amidst a pandemic, when volunteers are in such high demand?
16. 11. 2020/by Míša

Let’s help animals

That's why there are many institutions devoted to animal protection. And they offer ways for how you can participate and help. In this article, we'll tell you how to help animals in the following situations.
4. 11. 2020/by Míša

Health insurance in the Czech Republic

In the last article from our professional counseling series, we'll explain just how does health insurance in the Czech Republic work.
3. 11. 2020/by Míša

We are here for you ONLINE

Due to government measures responding to the situation regarding COVID-19, we are moving to the online space. See what online services you can use.
21. 10. 2020/by Míša

Recognition of foreign education

Another of our professional counseling series will explain the most important questions regarding the recognition of foreign education in the Czech Republic.
21. 10. 2020/by Míša

Job Search in CR

This article provides basic information about job searching in the Czech Republic.
29. 9. 2020/by Míša

How to be a good neighbour?

Whether you live in a family house, an apartment or dormitory, there are rules you should know and follow to maintain good relations with your neighbours. So what can you do about it? Take a look at our tips :-)
24. 9. 2020/by Míša


Our goal should be to produce as little waste as possible – no matter if it is a food packaging, unnecessary things or the food itself. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to use local possibilities in order to lead an eco-lifestyle.
18. 8. 2020/by Míša

Waste sorting

Do you know what to do with an empty milk carton, a yogurt lid or a toothpaste tube? In the Czech Republic, it is common to sort waste. The unsorted waste ends up in landfills, thus preventing its further use and unnecessarily polluting the planet. Here are some tips on what you can do with it! 
10. 8. 2020/by Míša

Free Time Activities for Families with Kids

As we’ve mentioned in the previous article, each municipal district tries to ensure the most comfortable life possible for its residents, and a high-quality leisure time definitely contributes to that. 
27. 7. 2020/by Míša

Living in Prague

It is always a good idea for every Praguer to know which municipal district he or she lives in and  take interest in the local events.  How well do you know your neighborhood? This article will provide you with basic information on what the municipal parts are and how they can be of use to you when living in Prague. 
21. 7. 2020/by Míša

Non-profit organizations – why to contact them

We have prepared a series of tips for you, which will make your life in Czech easier.
#6 Why to contact non-profit organizations
15. 6. 2020/by Míša

How to avoid cultural faux- pas

We have prepared a series of tips for you, which will make your life in Czech easier. 
#5 How to avoid cultural faux-pas
11. 6. 2020/by Míša

How to find Czech friends

We have prepared a series of tips for you, which will make your life in Czech easier.
#4 How to find Czech friends
3. 6. 2020/by Míša

Where to find important information

We have prepared a series of tips for you, which will make your life in Czech easier. 
#3 Where to find important information
27. 5. 2020/by Míša

We are gradually restarting the normal operation of our services

It looks like the situation with the coronavirus is starting to quiet down, so our services are going to gradually get back on track. How? Have a look at the preliminary timeline of restoring the normal operation. It is divided according to the services we provide. 
5. 5. 2020/by Míša


The current situation is difficult for all parents and teachers of school kids, let alone those whose children have a mother tongue other than Czech. Are you one of these? There are many non-profit organizations which can help you! Have a look at their list.
21. 4. 2020/by Míša

Czech Kindergartens and Elementary Schools

You have kids and are wondering how the education system in the Czech Republic works? We’ve prepared an article for you, explaining what you need to know about elementary schools and kindergartens.
3. 4. 2020/by Míša

How can you be helpful?

Current situation regarding coronavirus is serious. However, it is a great opportunity to do a good turn and help someone who needs it. We prepared several tips for you on how to make life easier for people around you and to create a smile on their face ♥
20. 3. 2020/by Míša

Online consulting in ICP

We are here for you during the state of emergency, and starting from March 19, our workers will be providing you with cosulting  on legal and social matters over the phone or Skype.
18. 3. 2020/by Míša

How to learn Czech

We have prepared a series of tips for you, which will make your life in Czech easier. 
#2 How to learn Czech
3. 3. 2020/by Míša

How to communicate with OAMP

We have prepared a series of tips for you, which will make your life in Czech easier. 
#1 How to communicate with OAMP
18. 2. 2020/by Míša

List of Crucial Deadlines

If you are a foreigner living in the Czech Republic, you have plenty of duties. One of them is meeting the established deadlines. We prepared a list of the 10 most important ones for you.
13. 2. 2020/by Míša

Intercultural Ball

Prague is a city for everyone - that's what we stand for. So why don't we meet at the ball and get to know each other better?
30. 1. 2020/by Míša

Amendment to the act on the residence of foreign nationals

10. 12. 2019/by Míša

Salad Bowl of Prague: Voices

25. 10. 2019/by Míša

Through communication to integration

Jak komunikovat s migranty a o migrantech? Jakou roli hraje v integračním procesu politická reprezentace? Co tradiční a #novámedia? Jak komunikují integrační témata kreativní agentury? A jaké jsou trendy v ostatních evropských městech?
13. 9. 2019/by devMartin

Integration of foreigners through the eyes of Praguers

Již druhým rokem realizujeme mezinárodní projekt INTEGRA, jehož hlavním posláním je vylepšit proces integrace cizinců z třetích zemí v pěti partnerských státech EU (Bulharsko, Chorvatsko, Česká republika, Itálie, Slovensko) pomocí sdílení zkušeností a znalostí na úrovni měst.
13. 9. 2019/by devMartin

We have been spending autumn at festivals

Podzim je pro nás již tradičně obdobím kulturních festivalů, které jsou pro ICP skvělou příležitostí, jak o sobě dát vědět široké veřejnosti a blíže se s Vámi seznámit.
13. 9. 2019/by devMartin