The whole Prague on the dancefloor

Come to our Intercultural Ball

Intercultural Ball – The whole Prague on the dancefloor

Prague is a city for everyone – that’s what we stand for. So why don’t we meet at the ball and get to know each other better?

You can look forward to workshops of classical and folk dance as well as salsa workshop and ICP employees stories.  You will also have a chance to win some interesting prizes in a raffle and we prepared a midnight surprise for you. Kobra Party Band Universal‘s music will make you dance the whole night.

WHEN: Thursday February 20th from 6:30 PM
WHERE: Nuselská radnice – Táborská 30, Praha 4
REGISTRATION: The capacity is full – we do not accept any more reservations.

FREE entry.

Let’s dance together!

This event is organized by ICP and Prague 4 municipality. This event takes place under the patronage of the Prague 4 major Irena Michalcová.

Projekt Integrační centrum Praha VII, reg.č. AMIF/20/06, je financován v rámci národního programu Azylového migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.