Adaptation and Integration Courses schedule for January 2022

You have a choice to take a course in one of 9 languages!

In January, we have prepared Adaptation and Integration courses for you in all 9 official languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese (VIET), Arabic (ARA), Mongolian (MNG), French (FR), Spanish (ES) and Serbian (RS). Take advantage of this opportunity and register for this seminar, which will make your start in the Czech Republic easier, as soon as possible. How to do it?

Step 1: Make sure if you have to complete the course

You are obligated to take the course if :

you are a citizen of a country outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland

your residence permit came into force after January 1, 2021

your residence type is on the Ministry of the interior’s list. You can find the list of all the residence types, holders of which are required to attend the course, including all the exceptions, HERE.

Not sure if the obligation applies to you or not? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

WARNING: Do you know that you have 1 year from the day you collect your residence permit to complete the course? If you do not complete the course within one year from the day your residence permit came into force, you run the risk of being subject of a fine of up to CZK 10,000. Therefore, if you are from a country outside the EU and you have recently obtained a long-term or permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic, for example in February 2021, you are most likely required to take the course and it is high time to register.

Step 2: Register for the course

The registration for the course must be done on the portal

Not sure how to register? We are here for you during our consultation hours.



Tel.: +420 253 253 984


Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00 (Žitná 51, Praha 1, 6th floor – If you are interested in help with registration, please prepare your passport, biometric card and make sure you know the passport of your e-mail.)

Photo credit: Jan Suchánek

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Your team ICP