Adaptation and integration courses
Do I have to, or don’t have to, that is the question
Not sure if you should complete the Adaptation and Integration course? We have prepared a summary for you, which will help you orientate to whom the courses are intended and to whom they are not.
Who is obligated to take the Adaptation and Integration Course
- a citizen of a country outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland who have been issued a long-term residence permit after January 1, 2021 (depends on the purpose of residence permit – exceptions from the obligation are described in the next paragraph “Who is not obligated to take the AIC”)
- a citizen of a country outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland who have been issued a permanent residence permit after January 1, 2021 (depends on the purpose of residence permit – more details here:
Who is not obligated to take the Adaptation and Integration Course
- EU national
- EU family member
- Third country national who is a holder of a different type of residence permit (visa, non-visa regime ….)
- Third country national who had a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic before 1 January 2021, valid as of 1 January 2021, including the fiction of the stay, and after 1 January 2021 there is only a change in the purpose of the long term stay or its extension
- Holder of a long term residence permit for the purpose of studies (codes on the biometric card “ePKP”: “21”, “22”, “23” and “30”)
- Holder of a long term residence permit for the purpose of protection (code “88”)
- Holder of a long term residence permit for the purpose of investment (code “78”)
- Holder of a long term residence permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
- Holder of an Intra-Company Employee Transfer Card (code “79”)
- Holder of an Intra-Company Employee Transfer Card of another EU member state (code “80”)
- Holder of an Employee Card and Blue Card issued under the government programs “Highly Skilled Employee” and “Key and Scientific Personnel”
- Foreign national who was younger than 15 years of age in the time of taking effect of his residence permit
- Foreign national older than 61 years
Do you have any questions?
Our AIK team at ICP will be happy to advise you if you are not sure if you should attend the course. We can also help you register for the course.
Contact us at: +420 253 253 984, or by email:
You can also visit us in person at Žitná 51 on the sixth floor, during our opening hours. :)
Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00 (Žitná 51, Prague 1, 6th floor)
Your AIK team in ICP
Aktivita probíhá v rámci projektu AIK ICP 21 na integraci cizinců financovaného MV ČR v rámci dotačního programu Adaptačně-integrační kurzy 2021 (Rozhodnutí č. 5 /2021 IC NNO)