Czech Kindergartens and Elementary Schools

How does it Work?

You have kids and are wondering how the education system in the Czech Republic works? We’ve prepared an article for you, explaining what you need to know about elementary schools and kindergartens. 


Who are kindergartens intended for?

Kindergartens are usually intended for children age 3 to 6 (in some special cases, if the school’s capacity allows that, two year old children can be admitted). Kindergarten attendance is obligatory in the last year prior to starting elementary school.

According to the law, kindergartens can only accept children who’ve been duly vaccinated (with the exception of children who cannot be vaccinated due to a permanent contraindication or who have documentary proof that they are immune to the infection). This does not apply to the last, compulsory year of kindergarten.

When does kindergarten enrollment take place?

The enrollment day is usually in the beginning of May, so do check the school’s website in advance. The application form can usually be downloaded from the website as well.

How to find a kindergarten?

You can apply for several kindergartens (you can find those here:

What are the conditions for enrollment?

On the enrolment day you would need to submit the following documents 

    • Application
    • Residence permit 
    • Birth certificate 
    • Pediatrician’s certificate 

The kindergarten’s principal defines any further requirements and the admission criteria (e.g. older kids, those living in the catchment area, children with both parents working, those going to attend full day, etc. get priority). 

What fees are associated with the attendance of a child in kindergarten?

Tuition for public kindergartens is usually a few hundred CZK/month, while church and private ones are more expensive. In the last obligatory year at a public school you don’t need to pay tuition, only school meals, which are around 30 CZK/day.

From when to when does the school year last?

The school year lasts from September 1 to June 30. You can discuss a flexible plan with the school for the child’s adaptation period. 

What if the Child Doesn’t Get in?

In case the kindergarten can’t accept the child due to limited capacity, the parents can contact the local Municipality to find a school with a vacancy. 

Elementary Schools

Who are elementary schools intended for?

Children aged 6–15 usually attend elementary schools, which is compulsory for 9 years. You can ask for a delay only in case there are actual indications for that, other than the child not speaking Czech well enough. 

When does enrollment in elementary schools take place?

The enrollment day is usually in April – the exact date is published on the school’s website and notice board.

How to find elementary school?

To find a school within your catchment area (defined based on your permanent address in the Czech Republic) you can use this website:  

Obviously, you can also apply for a school in another district, but kids from the school’s catchment area will get a priority. 

What are the conditions for enrollment?

On the enrolment day, you would need to bring the following documents with you :

    • Birth certificate 
    • IDs
    • Application form
    • Health insurance card
    • Proof of address in the catchment area (if you are applying for the district school) 
    • Report cards from previous years (if the child is changing schools)

A brief interview might be held with the child, but it is indeed more of a chat than a test. 

What fees are associated with the child’s attendance at elementary school?

Public school are free of charge, but you do need to pay for some additional materials, school meals, trips, afterschool club, etc. 

What if the Child Doesn’t Get in?

In case the elementary school can’t accept the child due to limited capacity, the parents can contact the local Municipality to find a school with a vacancy. 


If you need help finding a school or communicating with it, you can book an appointment with an ICP social worker to assist with it. 

And in case you have difficulty understanding Czech, you can ask one of our intercultural workers to accompany you to the school and interpret at the meeting. 

Contact information of ICP workers can be found here:

All of our services are free of charge.