Your personal data has changed? 

Don’t forget to inform the relevant authorities! 

Ministry of the Interior

Did you know that as a foreigner residing in the Czech Republic you’ve got an obligation to inform the Ministry of the Interior (OAMP) about any relevant changes, and if you fail to do so within the required timeframe, you might have to pay a fine?

Specifically you need to let the MOI know if you get a new passport, your marital status and/ or your name changes (e.g. you get married and take your spouse’s last name), you move to a new address,  or if any other data included in your residence permit changes. You don’t necessarily need to book an appointment and report the changes in person though. You can just send the form along with any additional documents via registered mail (doporučené psaní) to the MOI office, or use your data box (datová schránka) if you have one.

For detailed information about the paperwork and the deadlines for reporting changes, see the portal for foreigners.

And of course if you’re planning to get a new job, do check out what exactly your obligations towards the MOI are depending on your residence status. 

Health Insurance Company

If you have public health insurance in the Czech Republic, not only is it mandatory to notify the insurance company when your personal data, residency status or your address changes, but you need to be especially mindful about the circumstances that affect the payment of insurance premiums. E.g. you quit your job or start a new one (if your employer hasn’t notified the insurer), get a trade license, go on parental leave or register at the Labour Office. 

Bottom line, the premiums should be paid at all times, either by you out of your pocket, by your employer, or by the state, and whatever happens in your life that affects this, the insurance company has to be informed within 8 days. 

Driver Register

What about your Czech driving license? Do you need to notify the Driver Register every time you move to a new address? Since your address is not on the driving license, there’s no need to report its change. Your name however is, so in case it changes, don’t forget to stop by their Driver Register office and update your license.


Do you have kids attending school in CZ? Make sure they always have up-to-date info about your child’s health insurance and relevant medical information, as well as your contact info (including address, email or phone number). 

Labour Office

If you’re registered for unemployment or receiving any kind of benefit, remember that form you signed when submitting your application? It says that you’re required to inform them of any change, including your personal and contact info, employment status or any other circumstances affecting your entitlement to the benefit within 8 days. 

Got a new phone number or email address?

Make sure your bank knows about that. Seriously, there’ve been cases where the bank closed a bank account because of failure to do so. They will also want to have a copy of your new residence permit btw.  

If your doctor sends you recipes via text message, it’s a good idea to update your phone number before asking for a refill.  

And last but not least (as a matter of fact, we personally believe it’s the most important one;)), if you’ve got an appointment at ICP or you’ve scheduled accompaniment with our intercultural worker, let us know as soon as your phone number changes.  

Obviously, this list is by no means exhaustive, we’ve just tried to mention the most common situations. In general just remember, anytime your information changes, update it with all the relevant institutions.