Salad Bowl of Prague: Voices

Launch of new podcast series

Integration Centre Prague officially launched a new podcast series Salad Bowl of Prague: Voices as a part of the INTEGRA campaign. The series introduces the stories of 4 foreigners, who have settled down in Prague and who make it a more interesting and richer place. They run great restaurants, sew beautiful dresses or make delicious ice cream. What it is like to leave one´s home for a foreign country and succeed in it? How do they deal with a language barrier, xenophobia and homesickness? And why does someone decide to leave their home? Each week from the 10th of October, you can listen to a story of Juanita of Indonesian origin, the Tibetan Sonam, Mimi from Vietnam and the Balkan family trio Biljan, Zlatka and Bojan. The podcast series (in Czech) is available at: as well as on Spotify, iTunes, or Youtube. 

The official launch took place as a part of the Open Doors vol. 2 event of Integration Centre Prague on the 10th of October in the presence of three of the main protagonists as well as the author of the series, Petr Bouška. They all shared their experience with making the series and expressed hope that the podcast will help raise awareness about the presence of foreigners in Prague and help their better acceptance by the Czech majority. Sonam and Juanita prepared special Indonesian and Tibetan snacks for the occasion and the event ended with a musical performance by a Kurdish singer of Syrian origin, Miran Kasem.